Baraka Books acquires three titles by Yves Engler

Baraka Books acquires three titles by Yves Engler

Baraka Books is pleased to announce that as of October we have acquired three leading titles by Yves Engler, first published by Fernwood. They will complement Yves Engler’s most recent book co-authored with Owen Schalk, Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy, (Baraka Books, 2024).

 Canada in Africa  300 years of Aid and Exploitation

This book reveals Ottawa’s opposition to anticolonial struggles, its support for apartheid South Africa and Idi Amin’s coup, and its role in ousting independence leaders Patrice Lumumba and Kwame Nkrumah.Based on an exhaustive look at the public record as well as on-the-ground research, Canada in Africa shows how the federal government pressed African countries to follow neoliberal economic prescriptions and sheds light on Canada’s part in the violence that has engulfed Somalia, Rwanda and the Congo, as well as how Canada’s indifference to climate change means a death sentence to ever-growing numbers of Africans.

$24.95 | 328 pages | ISBN: 9781552667620

CANADA AND ISRAEL Building Apartheid

This book is the first critical primer about Canada’s ties to Israel. It is a devastating account of Canadian complicity in 20th and 21st century colonialism, dispossession and war crimes. The book documents the history of Canadian Christian Zionism, Lester Pearson’s important role in the United Nations negotiations to create a Jewish state on Palestinian land, the millions of dollars in tax-deductable donations used to expand Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service ties to Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (Mossad).

$20.00 |  168 pages | ISBN: 9781552663554

A Propaganda System How Canada’s Government, Corporations, Media and Academia Sell War

In A Propaganda System, Engler details the vast sums Global Affairs Canada, Veterans Affairs and the Department of National Defence spend on promoting a one-sided version of Canada’s foreign policy, which ignores the unsavoury history. Engler traces the history of the Canadian government’s information control during wartime and peacetime, which includes outright censorship and extreme media bias on topics such as Haiti, Palestine and the mining industry. In addition, Engler details how the corporate elite advance their agenda by funding university programs and think tanks.

$19.95 | 240 pages | ISBN: 9781552669464 

All three books are now available at UTP Distribution for Canada and will soon be available in the United States at the Independent Publishers Group (IPG).  

We thank Yves Engler and Gary Engler for their confidence in Baraka Books and Fernwood Publishing for the smooth transfer.