

“Barack Obama and the Jim Crow Media: The Return of the Nigger Breakers” by Ishmael Reed – Spring 2010

The Torment of Barack Obama!

 OBAMA_C1-72dpi-182x275Under slavery, “Nigger breakers” had the job of destroying the spirits of tough black men by whatever means necessary. At age 15 Frederick Douglass was sold to Edward Covey who had the mandate to break him. Ishmael Reed makes the case that President Barack Obama is being assailed by 20th century descendants of Covey. In a series of essays written during the 2008 primaries and after Obama’s election, he shows how both Obama’s opponents and some supposed allies use modern reincarnations of those same ugly demons to break him. What’s more, statements and alliances he made during the campaign and in office have made him easy prey.

Ishmael Reed is the author of novels, books of poetry, and plays. He is also a playwright. He has won prizes in all categories. He taught at the University of California at Berkeley for thirty-five years. He has also taught at Harvard, Yale and Dartmouth. Ishmael Reed is a member of Harvard’s Signet Society and Yale’s Calhoun Society. He lives in Oakland, California.

Ishmael1-125x125Ishmael Reed’s previous books of essays include Airing Dirty Laundry, Writin’ is Fightin’ and Shrovetide in Old New Orleans.

ISBN 978-0-9812405-7-2 | 170 pages | trade paper

Available April 2010

50 People Attend Launch of Joseph-Elzéar Bernier and Other Books published by Baraka

Some 50 people crowded into the Paragraphe Bookstore on McGill College for the launch of Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, Champion of Canadian Arctic Sovereignty on Wednesday, September 30. Author Marjolaine Saint-Pierre and translator William Barr of the Arctic Institute explained to those present how important Bernier had been in the establishment of Canada’s sovereignty in the north. They also made it clear that he is still very relevant and that his story is fascinating.

In addition to the book on Bernier, Baraka Books launched America’s Gift, What the World Owes to the Americas and Their First Inhabitants by Käthe Roth and Denis Vaugeois. Käthe Roth spoke for both authors. See the special post on America’s Gift.

It was also the occasion to formally launch A People’s History of Quebec by Jacques Lacoursière and Robin Philpot. Jacques Lacoursière, also present, pointed out that the book is one of the first attempts to provide English readers with an accessible Quebec history book from the point of a French-language Quebec historian. The book appears to have filled a void since it has been on the Gazette’s Bestseller list for eight straight weeks.

Photo: Author Marjolaine Saint-Pierre and translator William Barr.

“America’s Gift contains the kind of information that should be required reading for all schoolchildren.” – Rover Arts, Montreal

A is for Alpaca, Anorak … Agriculture?

America’s Gift: What the World Owes to the Americas and Their First Inhabitants, Denis Vaugeois, translated and adapted by Käthe Roth, Baraka Books

By Louise Fabiani 04.10.2009 (from Rover

A is for Alpaca, Anorak … Agriculture?

Living in a cosmopolitan city like Montreal, one encounters numerous national cuisines. It is easy to assume that a culture’s culinary treasures are almost as old as its other traditions. So it is surprising to learn that many Old World meals go no further back than 1492, for the simple fact that their key ingredients were unknown until then.

Denis Vaugeois’s America’s Gift catalogues familiar dietary staples from the Columbian exchange: potatoes (to Ireland, Poland, Russia), tomatoes (to Italy), chili peppers (to Thailand), and peanuts (to several African countries), among others. While strongly emblematic of the “discovery” (or conquest, depending on your viewpoint) of the Americas, foods are but a small fraction of the earliest products of globalization. Gifts from the New World to the Old included building materials, clothing, place names, technologies, and team sports.

Vaugeois, an historian and former civil servant—with translator Käthe Roth—has organized everything in alphabetical order.

Thus, under A, we find such words as “Anorak,” originally an Inuit weatherproof jacket and now a kind of windbreaker, “Alpaca,” a South American member of the camel family, and “Agriculture.” The latter, as an introduced concept, seems impertinent, since the best evidence indicates that the first crops originated in the Middle East around ten millennia ago. Vaugeois says that it is the kind of cultivation—domesticated plants amongst wild ones, for example—which the Natives taught the newcomers.

The first entry under I is “Ideas,” and refers to the possibility that the “Noble Savage” inspired the Enlightenment. It is an interesting, if not original, proposition. However, whether some of the ideas attributed to Hurons, and others, actually belonged to them remains unclear.

Vaugeois pushes the envelope by also listing Slavery, Capitalism, and the Industrial Revolution. They were not gifts, of course, but they could not have existed without the Conquest. New lands opened up new sources of labour—practically gratis—which created the slave trade. And that, in turn, fuelled aspects of the industrial revolution. Vaugeois says silver from South America, made into coins, filled the coffers of the rich, spurring capitalism. In addition, if not for the right kinds of foods (most significantly, potatoes from the Andes), most European populations would not have expanded so quickly. Again, cheap labour (caused in part by the high unemployment found in crowded European cities) stoked the engines of the industrial age.

The text is engaging, for the most part, and the illustrations are chosen well. Unfortunately, despite her careful attention to English spelling and grammar, Roth could have used a scientific editor. For example, the entry for “Jerusalem Artichoke” states that its “tubers store insulin, which forms fructose and can be used in the diet of diabetics.” The tubers store inulin, a kind of sugar (insulin is an animal hormone).

America’s Gift contains the kind of information that should be required reading for all schoolchildren. However, some of the author’s bold assertions put the entire text on less than solid academic ground. As a result, the book is best considered a quick reference, and an incentive for further reading on this fascinating history.

Louise Fabiani, a Montreal science writer, critic, and poet, has a special interest in environmental issues.

“The New World is the product of the meeting of these civilizations” – Käthe Roth on AMERICA’S GIFT

(excerpt from Käthe Roth’s speech)

I have worked with Denis Vaugeois for many years now, and most of our projects been about the earliest days of the discovery of the Americas by Europeans. Denis has always insisted that quotation marks should be put around the term “New World” when it is applied to the Americas because, after all, these continents were new only to the Europeans who first landed on them, but certainly not to the people who had already been living here for thousands of years. In a way, this book takes that idea to its logical conclusion by celebrating what the “old world” of the Americas has contributed to the rest of the world. In fact, we may consider that the true “new world” is the product of the meeting of these civilizations.

It is easy to think of how the arrival of the Europeans irrevocably changed the lives of the peoples of the Americas. After all, that’s what the history books talk about. The influence of the original Americans over the rest of the world is subtler but just as pervasive. There are foods that we can’t imagine doing without, such as tomatoes and corn. The ancestor of chewing gum can be traced back to the original Americans, as can the use of tobacco. What would winter be like without toboggans, spring without fresh maple syrup! How many ways do we use rubber, invented by equatorial American people! And would our gardens be as bright without indigenous American flowers! The concept of team sports played with balls was taken back to Europe from the Americas, and the organization of original American societies inspired European philosophers.

When the project of L’Indien Généreux came to me, I was really excited about the concept of the book. As work proceeded on the adaptation of the text, however, I found that some of the entries didn’t really translate, and I began to be drawn in to doing research on alternatives that would work better in English. Some of these were due to etymological differences between French and English, but I also found myself wandering further into the exotic areas of South American birds and animals, and down country paths to find North American wildflowers and foods. All in all, after working on this book I certainly look at the way the “new world” and the “old world” fit together quite differently than I did before.

And in fact, I think that is what we hope America’s Gift will do for those who read it. The book is meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive, and, in a larger sense, to encourage people to discover how two worlds – the “new” and the “old” – combined to make a truly new world More hints. We hope that people will open the book at any page and find out something that makes them say, “I didn’t know that!” and perhaps enjoy the prospect of exploring further.

Thank you.

A People’s History of Quebec – No. 1 Non-Fiction Bestseller (The Gazette)

A People’s History of Quebec by Jacques Lacoursière and Robin Philpot was published on June 24, 2009 and it hit the Gazette Bestsellers list for non-fiction by the end of July. In ninth position, then in third position, A People’s History was the Number One non-fiction bestseller on Saturday, September 5.

A void has been filled. Moreover, Jacques Lacoursière will be participating in the Books and Breakfast event held by Paragraphe Bookstore on Sunday, November 29, 2009. Information will soon be available.

Arctic Sovereignty? Canada owes it to Joseph-Elzéar Bernier! A new biography tells why, how, when and much more

Press release

Montreal (August 29, 2009) – Could Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, who claimed the entire Arctic Archipelago for Canada exactly 100 years ago, have imagined that his claim would remain the foundation of Canada’s diplomatic and possibly legal case for Arctic sovereignty in 2009? With Arctic waters being ever more navigable, a burning issue from the early 20th century is back in the headlines early in the 21st. That is why the somewhat forgotten hero, ship-captain and explorer Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, is so relevant today. Canada’s greatest navigator dreamed of conquering the North Pole, but his crowning achievement was no less than to establish his country’s Arctic boundaries. Without Bernier, the geopolitical configuration of the North might be quite different today.

Bernier was a remarkable man. Born and raised to a long line of ship captains and seafarers in L’Islet-sur-Mer on the Lower St. Lawrence, he first went to sea at age 14 and became ship captain at 17. At the helm of Quebec-built sailing ships, he frequently set transatlantic records delivering ships to British owners.

To mark the centennial of the claim made on July 1, 1909, Marjolaine Saint-Pierre’s fine, well-researched biography of Joseph-Elzéar Bernier has been translated by William Barr and published in English by Baraka Books in collaboration with the Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary.

“The author combines the skills of researcher, historian and storyteller to produce a wonderful book.” Daniel Rolland, Culture

“A remarkable accomplishment by Marjolaine Saint-Pierre! The vast but meticulous research and the fine illustrations make it an essential book for any serious marine library.” Cap-aux-Diamants

“It is the most thorough portrait that exists of the legendary captain.” L’escale nautique

About the author and translator (both available for interviews – 514-808-8504)

MARJOLAINE SAINT-PIERRE spent five years researching Joseph-Elzéar Bernier and even more defending his contribution to Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. Her previous book Saint-Castin, baron français, chef amérindien 1652-1707, obtained the France-Acadie award in 2000.

WILLIAM BARR is a senior research associate with the Arctic Institute of North America at the University of Calgary. He has translated many books from French, German, and Russian on the Arctic and Antarctic explorers. .

372 pages, 200+ illustrations

Paper $39.95    ISBN 978-0-9812405-1-0

Hardcover $75    ISBN 978-0-9812405-4-1

Available September 1, 2009 singulair medication.
Orders: LitDistCo: 1-800-591-6250

The man who put canada on the map

By William Barr, The Globe and Mail, 27 June, 2009, Focus, p. F3

Given its desolate surroundings, Parry’s Rock is hard to miss – a four-metre high block of sandstone dropped by a glacier on the south shore of Melville Island and named for the British sailor who first explored the area an inscribed his name on it.

But Canadian also should know that this is where 34 men gathered on July 1, 1909 for a group photograph in fort of a bronze plaque they had attached to Parry’s Rock to show that they had laid claim to “the whole Arctic archipelago” on behalf of the “Dominion of Canada.”

The expedition was lead by one of this country’s forgotten heroes – a Quebec-born mariner and explorer named Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, whose dedication to the north now serves as the foundation for Canada’s claim to sovereignty in the Arctic.

That sovereignty was a burning issue a century ago and now that the melting ice pack is making Arctic waters ever more navigable, it is back in the headlines. Had Bernier not laid his claim, and made several other voyages as a representative of the federal government, the geopolitical configuration of the North might be quite different today.

On paper, the Arctic islands had been transferred to Canada by an Imperial Order in Council as of Sept. 1, 1880. Wisely, the British kept the wording vague because the full extent of the archipelago was unknown. Still undiscovered were such major islands as Axel Heiberg, Amund Ringnes, Ellef Rignes, King Christian, Brock, Borden, Mackenzie King, Lougheed and Meighen.

For 20 years after being given the region, Canada ignored it. Then, toward the end of the century, alarm bells rang in Ottawa following a series of foreign incursions.

From 1898 to 1902, U.S. polar explorer Robert Peary spent his winters on Ellesmere Island, just north of Baffin Island. He, like Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian who began his historic transit of the Northwest Passage in 1903 and made no territorial claims. But another Norwegian explorer, Otto Sverdrup, discovered and explored four big islands – Axel Heiberg, Amund Ringnes, Ellef Ringnes and King Christian – and claimed them for his homeland.

All this northern traffic spurred Wilfrid Laurier, who had become prime minister in 1896, to action. First, A.P. Low of the Geological Survey of Canada landed at Cape Herschel on Ellesmere and took “formal possession” for Canada. But it was Bernier who mounted the most extensive campaign to reinforce Canada’s dominion over the Arctic.

He had already proved himself a remarkable character. Born to a long line of seafarers in L’Islet-sur-Mer on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River east of Quebec City, he had gone to sea at 14 and become captain just three years later. While employed delivering Quebec-built sailing ships to British owner, he frequently made the transatlantic crossing in record time.

His passion for the Arctic seems to have begun in 1871, when he was 19 and happened to be in Connecticut when U.S. explorer Charles Francis Hall left in search of the North Pole. Hall didn’t survive the voyage, but northern navigation became Bernier’s primary interest and, for many years, he sought Ottawa’s support in his quest to conquer the pole for Canada.

Instead he was enlisted by Laurier to help secure the islands, and in 1906 (the year Amundsen completed his trip through the passage) made the first of three treks aboard C.G.S. Arctic,

He conducted several ceremonies to assert Canadian sovereignty over various parts of the archipelago, with the one in 1909 – just three months after Peary claimed to have reached the pole – designed to sum up all the others in case any islands had slipped through his net.

As well, being an official fisheries officer, Bernier issued licences and exacted fees from any foreign whalers he encountered – tangible evidence of Canadian control of the Arctic.

Later, he made three private expeditions to Baffin Island, where he operated trading posts and purchased land from the Crown. He also obtained a licence to mine coal on Pond Inlet in 1914 and filed a mining claim on Admiralty Inlet. All these activities became powerful demonstrations of Canadian sovereignty.

As a result, sovereignty claims to land areas have, with a few minor exceptions, long been settled. But conflict could arise over the Arctic seas, seabed and continental shelves, and Bernier’s activities again will have considerable bearing because sovereignty over the waters and seabed is determined by sovereignty over the islands.

For example, Canada and the United States are at odds over whether the Northwest Passage should be considered international waters and what should happen to the border between Alaska and the Northwest Territories once it heads out in the hydrocarbon-rich Beaufort Sea.

What’s more, the claims made by Otto Sverdrup could have proved very costly for Canada – predated those of Bernier and he repeatedly pressured Norway to uphold them.

Norway lost its bid for possession of eastern Greenland in 1933, when the International Court of Justice ruled in favour of Denmark. But had it appealed to the court over Sverdrup’s claims, a large chunk of what’s now known as the Queen Elizabeth Islands could very well be Norwegian – and allow Norway to claim a substantial area of the seabed to the north.

Luckily for the Canadians, this dispute was resolved in a “civilized” fashion. Norway formally recognized Canada’s title on Nov. 11, 1930, just weeks before the death of Sverdrup, who had been paid $67,000 by Ottawa for the maps, diaries and documents from his expedition.

By then, Bernier’s days also were numbered. He suffered a fatal heart attack on Christmas Eve, 1934, a week before his 83rd birthday. Forty years later, the Sverdrup Basin underlying the islands was found to contain at least 17.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 334 million barrels of oil – another good reason to thank the man who staked that claim at Parry’s Rock.

William Barr is a senior research associate with the Arctic Institute of North America at the University of Calgary. He also translated Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, Champion of Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, a biography by Quebec scholar Marjolaine Saint-Pierre to be published by Baraka Books and the Arctic Institute in September.

The First Concise English-Language History of Quebec as told by Jacques Lacoursière

Jacques Lacoursière, the renowned Quebec historian, can now be read in English. This handy guide to a little-known part of North American history tells the fascinating tale of the settlement of the St. Lawrence Valley. But it also tells of the Montreal and Quebec-based explorers and traders who travelled, mapped, and inhabited a very large part of North America, and “embrothered the peoples” they met, as Jack Kerouac wrote. Based on meticulous research, Jacques Lacoursière and Robin Philpot connect everyday life to the events that emerged as historical turning points in the life of a people, thus shedding new light on Quebec’s 450-year history––and on the historical forces that lie behind its two recent efforts to gain independence.

A People’s History of Quebec never ceases to surprise by its breadth and depth. For example, readers will learn about:

  • The pre-Conquest ginseng boom with exports to China, and its eventual bust
  • The Montreal fire chief who torched the Parliament of United Canada in 1849, which helps explain why Ottawa became the Capital
  • The Jewish Emancipation Act of 1832, a first in the British Empire, adopted thanks to Louis-Joseph Papineau and the Patriote Party
  • The Conscription crises in Quebec that shook Canada during both World Wars, and much more…

207 pages, 24 illustrations, $19.95

“A People’s History of Quebec is both an excellent history book to refresh the reader’s memory and a rich introduction to a people who supposedly had no history. A great read.”

Hélène de Billy, writer, biographer, journalist.

“Recipient of the Pierre Berton Award in 1996, Jacques Lacoursière is to Quebec what Pierre Berton was to English Canada.”

Canada’s National History Society, publisher of The Beaver

“If Lord Durham had met Jacques Lacoursière, he would surely not have written that the French Canadians were a ‘people with no history and no literature’. In fact, in Quebec, Jacques Lacoursière’s name is synonymous with history.”

André Champagne, Radio-Canada

In bookstores July 2, 2009.

America’s Gift in The Eastern Door

By Jordan Standup, The Eastern Door, July 10, 2009, p. 24

If the title isn’t intriguing enough, in just 271 pages you have the opporunity to learn what your ancestors used and created, alon with how those things are applied today.

The book written by Käthe Roth and Denis Vaugeois, opens with a lengthy introduction explaining that a similar version of the same books was first published in French and Spanish before being considered for English printing.

While thumbing through the first half dozen or so pages, readers might wonder what they’ll learn from this book. Readers will find a list of words that relate to Aboriginal people and the words’ specific role today.

Think of it as a very descriptive and much more interesting version of a dictionary, except that every item has something to do with your ancestors.

Still not quite up to speed? Here’s a small excerpt from the book as an example.

“Annedda: From Iroquois. The Iroquois recommended that Jacques Cartier use the bark of the annedda tree to cure his crew of scurvy.”

Because it reads differently from other books out there, it could be a bit of a task and at times feels a bit awkward, jumping from subject to subject. It is a lot to take in all at once.

Perhaps the most interesting subject in my opinion was about root beer.

“Root Bear: The Indigenous people of North America used sassafras and sarsaparilla infusions to make a medicinal potion. In the nineteenth century, when the patent-medecine fad was sweeping American and European markets, entrepreneurs discovered this formula, added sugar and carbonated water, and marketed it. According ot advertising of the time, “Indian Root Beers brought rapid relief from a variety of ills.”

Tell me that’s not interesting.

The book is filled with little gems throughout.

You can also find some information on different itemsthat you’d expece to see in a book about Aboriginal people such as canoes, tomahawks and snowshoes.

As the title suggests, the book covers all different kinds of indigenous people, including those as far down south as Brazil and Chile.

One of the best aspects of the book is that not only is it an interesting read for just about any age, but it is also a great reference for research.

This book would be a nice addition to any library of school.

At just 271 pages, the book can literally be read in one sitting. I would know because I did it. To be honest, it took nearly as long to produce this review as it did to read the book.

America’s Gift will be available in September, but those interest in more information about the book, the authors or the publisher could visit

Helping people discover their past

AN EMINENT QUEBEC AUTHOR teams up with an anglo sovereignist on a history of French Canada – in English

By Hubert Bauch, The Gazette, July 6, 2009

It doesn’t bother Jacques Lacoursière that he’s commonly called a “vulgarizer.” In fact, the eminent Quebec author and historian revels in what some might take as a slur.

In Lacoursière’s case, it doesn’t mean he’s given to pottymouth. It refers to the further definition of vulgarize, at least according to the Oxford dictionary, which is to “popularize,” and making history popular for the general public and accessible to the average reader has been his lifetime mission.

In his 77 years, Lacoursière has written numerous volumes of Quebec and Canadian history, many of them bestsellers. He says he concentrates on making his historical accounts readable as well as informative, blending great events and personages with revealing tidbits about the daily life of the common folk.

“The important thing for me is that people shouldn’t have to fall back on a dictionary to understand what I write,” he said in an interview. “For me, vulgarization means allowing people, the greatest possible number of people, to understand who they are through their past. Let’s not forget that the most popular edition of the Bible in history has been the Vulgate.”

English readers can appreciate Lacoursière’s approach in A People’s History of Quebec, a new book on which he collaborated with author and publisher Robin Philpot. It is a concise history of Quebec, from the earliest days of colonization to the aftermath of the most recent sovereignty referendum, rendered in an easily read 200 pages. As fascinating as the march of great figures and the mapping of landmark events are the details of how they affected the ordinary life of their times.

For example, the 17th-century debate, during the young colony’s struggling days, over whether the beaver is an animal or a fish. It was highly pertinent at a time when Catholics were enjoined from eating meat during 140 days of the year, though fish was allowed.

Since beaver were in abundance in the struggling colony and if, in fact, they belonged to the fish family, they could be served all year long, and thus the obvious question arose, the book notes. The resident bishop, the towering François de Laval, submitted it to theologians at the Sorbonne and to leading Parisian doctors. “The experts earnestly discussed the issue at length and consulted other illustrious scientists and came down with the conclusion that the beaver was a fish because of its tail. The decision brought joy to the colony.”

It was perhaps not a decisive factor in the English conquest of Quebec, but morale was surely diminished in the French ranks when they were ordered, under threat of hanging, to compensate for a meat shortage while the colony was under siege by eating horses. Their commanders tried to set an example by preparing a meal based entirely on horse meat, including such delights as horse-meat pies à l’espagnole, horse scallops and horse hooves au gratin. “They soon learned that you can put horse meat on the table, but you cannot make the soldiers and the people eat it.”

“There’s a lot of little detail like that about daily life, things that go beyond what I call political and constitutional life,” Lacoursiére said. “It makes the historical account more vivid and more accessible to people who wouldn’t normally read an academic history book.”

This isn’t the first time Lacoursière’s work has been published in English. Back in 1972, a series he wrote on Quebec and Canadian history was issued in 15 slim volumes in collaboration with the Steinberg’s and Loblaws grocery chains and sold in their supermarkets across the country you could check here. Lacoursière says it got him some ribbing from more highbrow historians.

“Some academics asked me if I wasn’t embarrassed to find myself in with a milk carton or a loaf of bread in a grocery bag. I said the important thing for me is that people discover their past, no matter how, no matter where I find myself with that.”

He is not without academic recognition. He has been a visiting professor at Université Laval and been bestowed the Pierre Berton Award by the Canadian National Historical Society and the Académie des lettres du Québec’s medal of achievement. He is a Member of the Order of Canada and a Knight of the Ordre national du Québec. A native of Shawinigan, he is a one-time law school classmate of former prime minister Jean Chrétien.

Noted biographer and journalist Hélène de Billy praises the book as a great read. A People’s History of Quebec is “both an excellent history book to refresh the reader’s memory and a rich introduction to a people who were told (infamously by Lord Durham in 1840) that they had no history.”

Co-author Philpot said the book is intended to fill a current void on bookstore shelves. “For some years now, I’ve heard from booksellers in Quebec City and Montreal that tourists come in and ask them what they have about Quebec in English and there’s really nothing like this. We’re hoping it will serve a purpose in helping people at large better understand where this Quebec identity comes from.”

The book is the first publication issued by Baraka Books, a new publishing house established by Philpot in collaboration with prominent publisher, author and former Quebec cultural affairs minister Denis Vaugeois. Philpot’s contribution to the project included translating Lacoursière’s basic text and adding elements that would appeal to a greater anglophone readership, both Canadian and U.S., pointing out for instance various place names in the United States, such as Detroit, Des Moines and St. Louis, that owe their origin to early explorers from New France, and the fact that O Canada was originally composed as a French-Canadian patriotic alternative to God Save the Queen.

“We hope to make Americans realize that important parts of their history are tied to Quebec,” he said. “In fact, Quebec is at the heart of North American history.”

Philpot, who was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ont., before settling in Quebec 35 years ago, is best known as a rare anglo sovereignist who ran for the Parti Québécois in the 2007 provincial election. He is a former communications director for the Société St. Jean Baptiste de Montréal and has previously written books highly critical of Canada, including one that alleges the federalist side stole the ’95 Quebec referendum by subterfuge and illegal spending. He sees himself in a line with the likes of E.B. O’Callaghan, Thomas Storrow Brown and the Nelson brothers, who sided with the Patriotes during the 1837 Lower Canada rebellion.

For A People’s History, however, Philpot says he put ideology aside in favour of objectivity. “We took an ecumenical approach in this case,” he said. “Our publishing house isn’t a sovereignist initiative by any means. Maybe some people don’t like to hear that Quebec is an entity with its own history, but it’s an undeniable fact.

Other Baraka books in the works include volumes on early contacts between native and European tribes and on arctic pioneer Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, who staked the Canadian claim to the Arctic Archipelago.

Lacoursière says he would not have it any other way. “If a historian is identified with a political position, then all he writes is judged on that basis. For me, there are no good sides or bad sides – there’s just what happened.”

He does offer the observation that, in the early days of settlement, the French were more venturesome and more accommodating of the continent’s aboriginal peoples than the English. “In the days of the fur trade, the English approach was to build forts and wait for the natives to come to them, while the French traders would go forth to the natives. The contact was altogether different.”

He also suggests that this venturesome “Canadien” tradition has political resonance to this day: “If you psychoanalyze Quebecers as to why they are wary of independence, it is in part because their ancestors crossed North America, two-thirds of which at one point belonged to France. Francophones walked that land.

“Today, if independence were to come, we could think that barriers to the greater continent could arise. One of the features of Quebecers is that they’re at home anywhere.”

If it does come to another referendum, Lacoursière hopes his historical work will help everyone concerned to make an informed decision.

“If one day anglophones and francophones have a decision to make, it shouldn’t be made for sentimental reasons, but rather reflected on in a clear light of understanding.”