Murder on the Orford Mountain Railway

Murder on the Orford Mountain Railway

A 12-year old boy, son of an Italian camp cook, is shot in the back and killed near the Orford Mountain Railway construction site in rural Quebec in August 1905.  The crime is all the more staggering for being the second child murder on a railway in three days. A wave of shock and terror… Read more »

Banking on Life

Michaela (Mickie) Bédard works at the Stevens, Bédard Investment Bank, a bank founded by her great grandfather. She is working on an Initial Public Offering for a technology company. Walking home one evening she suffers a severe asthma attack and heads to Montreal’s Gursky Memorial Hospital. Triaged by Annie Linton, she is kept in the… Read more »

Pierre Trudeau’s Darkest Hour

In October 1970, Pierre Trudeau sent 12,500 troops to occupy Quebec—7,500 in Montreal. Police locked up more than 500 carefully identified people from all walks of life, held them without charges, bail, or the right to a lawyer, and searched 10,000 homes at gunpoint and without warrant. Whereas Justin Trudeau said on March 3, 2020,… Read more »

The PS Royal William of Quebec

World trade was revolutionized in the 19th century when ships went from sail to steam. Crossing the Atlantic under steam was clearly an engineering and navigating feat to be celebrated. A controversy thus developed about which was the first steamship to make the crossing, who built it, and where. Several ships, including the Great Western… Read more »

Stolen Motherhood

Neither marginal nor secret, contracting surrogate mothers is growing rapidly and is regarded as socially progressive. Yet the “process” is vitiated from the get go, i.e., commissioning a woman to bear, birth, and surrender a baby. Surrogacy undermines a woman’s human dignity. It makes her an instrument in other people’s project and attacks her equal… Read more »

Still Crying for Help

“this achingly told story is a love letter from mother to son… A powerful book.” Susan Doherty, award-winning author of The Ghost Garden A 32-year-old man with mental illness ends his life. Could he have been saved? What care did he receive? Did antipsychotics help or are they a modern-day straitjacket? Ferid Ferkovic, the author’s… Read more »

Things Worth Burying

“Burning the cabin was about enforcing some futile law. Its purpose was to put you in your place. The wreckage would never leave the bush. The remnants would be left to rust and degrade, but the structure was gone, as though all they wanted was to destroy the roof over your head, prove that the vast crown land belonged to them and not you. They wanted to take away your sense of security. This was the attitude that my father and grandfather had rallied against their whole lives. The unseen turn of the Toronto machine. Listen close, my father would say, and you can hear their arrogance blowing across the land, threatening your livelihood. To them, we’re nothing but a pile of moose shit scraped off a boot. Remember this when they come to you smiling, full of promises, asking for your vote.”

A Stab at Life

FREE DELIVERY IN NORTH AMERICA DURING COVID-19 CRISIS A series of murders in Montreal park near the Gursky Memorial Hospital have Nurse Annie Linton and Detective Gilles Bellechasse hopping. Suspects include a vigilante group fighting drug dealers, a jealous husband, competing drug dealers, and a mysterious woman of whom nude drawings turn up in a… Read more »

Free of ‘Incurable’ Cancer

FREE DELIVERY IN NORTH AMERICA DURING COVID-19 CRISIS Diagnosed with incurable cancer in 2009 with a maximum six-year life expectancy, the author chronicles her journey through traditional and alternative treatments to complete remission. Without rejecting traditional treatment (i.e., chemo or radio therapies), she refused to be an object to be treated by others. Though initially… Read more »


Hydro-Québec manages one of the largest power grids on the continent. It is among the most profitable, the least expensive and the greenest. With a stunning renewable energy rate of 99.8 percent, Quebec has two-generation advance on places like California and Ontario. Combining a reporters’ style with thought, philosophy and a touch of humour, Jean-Benoît… Read more »