But We Built Roads for Them

APRIL 2024. In the fiery political debates in and about Italy, silence reigns about the country’s colonial legacy. By reducing the European colonial sweep to Britain and France, Italy has effectively concealed an enduring phenomenon that lasted close to 80 years (1882 to 1960). It also blots out the history of the countries it colonized… Read more »

THE GREAT ABSQUATULATOR by Frank Mackey with a Foreword by Webster


“Alfred Thomas Wood’s life reads like a cross between the scams and impersonations of Catch me if you can and the tribulations of Forrest Gump.” Webster on the Absquatulator One hundred years before the Hollywood film The Great Impostor, Alfred Thomas Wood roved through the momentous mid-19th century events, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to New… Read more »

Slouching Towards Sirte

“Forte’s  book is a must-read for anyone seriously interested in understanding the motives and consequences of the West’s onslaught against Libya and African development.”  Dan Glazebrook, Ceasefire Magazine NATO’s war in Libya was proclaimed as a humanitarian intervention—bombing in the name of “saving lives.” Attempts at diplomacy were stifled. Peace talks were subverted. Libya was… Read more »

Justice Belied

An aura of respectability hovers over international criminal tribunals. “Undeservedly,” say many practitioners who bring to bear hard facts and penetrating analysis. African jurists, who are rarely consulted, describe the nearly exclusive focus on Africa as “demeaning,” “condescending,” and “neo-colonial posturing.” International criminal law has also been touted as a means to fight impunity and… Read more »

Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa

“… essential reading.” Edward S. Herman An accepted narrative holds that horrible Rwandan Hutu génocidaires planned and executed a satanic scheme to eliminate nearly a million Tutsis after a mysterious plane crash killed the former president of Rwanda on April 6, 1994. Yet former UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali says, “the Rwandan genocide was 100 percent… Read more »

Barack Obama and the Jim Crow Media

“Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.” — Barack Obama. If you want to understand the context of Trayvon Martin’s murder and George Zimmerman’s acquittal, read this book. — The Publisher For Ishmael Reed, Barack Obama, like Michelangelo’s St. Anthony, is a tormented man, haunted by modern reincarnations of the demonic spirits used… Read more »

Dying to Live

With a preface by Phil Taylor Pierre-Claver Ndacyayisenga was a history teacher in Kigali when he was forced to flee to the neighbouring Congo (Zaïre) with his wife and three children. Thus began a harrowing five-year voyage of survival during which they travelled thousands of kilometers on foot from one refugee camp to another. Lacking… Read more »