
Bloody Sunday (1972) catapulted the Irish “troubles” onto the world stage, exacerbating suspicion in US intelligence circles that the IRA might turn to the Soviets for guns. South Boston native Raymond Daly, just off a CIA stint in Laos, is sent to Ireland to re-establish a line running guns to the IRA. He deftly earns… Read more »

Shaf and the Remington

Shaf and the Remington

Shaf, a physics teacher and a philosopher, fought as a partisan in the Balkans during the Second World War. He has not been heard from for 40 years. How could such an ubiquitous and expansive person disappear? Did the murder of his mother and girlfriend Nika by fascists during the War spark his sporadic displays… Read more »

Foxhunt, A Novel by Luke Francis Beirne


FOXHUNT: “A remarkable first novel by a brilliant young writer.” David Adams Richards 1949: Milne Lowell, a Canadian writer, moves to London from Montreal to edit a magazine dedicated to cultural freedom. His colleagues include Marguerite Allard, a French-Canadian anarchist, Eric Felmore, an American novelist, and Carson Ward, a British poet. Initially, the group is… Read more »