Le référendum volé

Le 30 octobre 2015, il y aura 20 ans que le Québec est passé à un cheveu de devenir un pays libre et souverain. Jacques Parizeau, qui a incarné l’espoir de millions de Québécois, nous a quittés en juin sans avoir gagné le combat de sa vie. Mais son départ représente le début d’un nouveau… Read more »

Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa

“… essential reading.” Edward S. Herman An accepted narrative holds that horrible Rwandan Hutu génocidaires planned and executed a satanic scheme to eliminate nearly a million Tutsis after a mysterious plane crash killed the former president of Rwanda on April 6, 1994. Yet former UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali says, “the Rwandan genocide was 100 percent… Read more »

A People’s History of Quebec

This lively guide to Quebec history tells the fascinating story of the settlement of the St. Lawrence River Valley over nearly 500 years. But it also tells of the Montreal and Quebec-based explorers and traders who travelled, mapped, and inhabited most of North America, and embrothered the peoples they met. Combining vast research and great… Read more »