Saints Rest

MARCH 2025 Malory Fleet’s son was killed by bikers and now she’s worried about his missing girlfriend, Amanda. But that case was closed shut by the police a year ago and Frank Cain, the private investigator she’s hired, is reluctant to take it on. On the sometimes seedy streets of uptown Saint John, no one… Read more »


Nicole Fortin is on the cusp of realizing a long-held dream when her life takes a sudden turn. Instead of participating in the Olympic Games, she finds herself struggling to master the challenging physical demands of her job in an aerospace plant and win the confidence of her male colleagues. As her involvement in union… Read more »

Things Worth Burying

“Burning the cabin was about enforcing some futile law. Its purpose was to put you in your place. The wreckage would never leave the bush. The remnants would be left to rust and degrade, but the structure was gone, as though all they wanted was to destroy the roof over your head, prove that the vast crown land belonged to them and not you. They wanted to take away your sense of security. This was the attitude that my father and grandfather had rallied against their whole lives. The unseen turn of the Toronto machine. Listen close, my father would say, and you can hear their arrogance blowing across the land, threatening your livelihood. To them, we’re nothing but a pile of moose shit scraped off a boot. Remember this when they come to you smiling, full of promises, asking for your vote.”


September 1978. 11,700 hard rock miners and smelter and refinery workers at Inco’s Sudbury operations face a stark choice. Should they remain on the job? Or take seemingly suicidal strike action against a huge multinational that has stocked up enough nickel to last a year? A fateful choice is made. It changes the lives of… Read more »