Baraka Books and QC Fiction will hold launches for six remarkable books in Fall 2021.
Weekly online international book launches will be held in September and October. Everybody is welcome. To register please write to Blossom Thom at You will then receive the necessary information. All times are EDT.
Wed. Sept. 8, 7 pm: Maker, A Novel by Jim Upton. Maker is one of those rare birds known as working-class fiction, a genre we see so few of these days. Yet the subject concerns millions of people. In addition, the main character is a woman in a modern unionized setting. (Pub date, Sept. 1)
Jim Upton and author/editor Elise Moser will discuss Maker and also working-class literature in our time.
Wed. Sept. 15, 7 pm: Waswanipi by the late Jean-Yves Soucy, Afterword by Romeo Saganash (translated by Peter McCambridge). Jean-Yves Soucy wrote this book upon the insistance of Romeo Saganash, former Deputy Grand Chief of the Crees of Quebec. It is a beautiful account of an era (1963) that soon came to an end. (Pub date, Sept. 1)
Romeo Saganash will present the book and read from his afterword, followed by a Q&A.

Wed. Sept. 22, 7 pm: To See Out the Night by David Clerson, translated by Katia Grubisic (QC Fiction). The jury of the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal (2019) described this collection as “A powerful world where the fantastic meets the organic in compelling fashion.” (Pub date, Sept. 1)
Author David Clerson will discuss To See Out the Night with translator Katia Grubisic, followed by a reading.
Wed. Sept. 29, 7 pm: Bigotry on Broadway An Anthology Edited by Ishmael Reed and Carla Blank. In this hard-hitting anthology, the editors have invited an accomplished group of writers from different backgrounds to comment on the long-standing bigotry on Broadway. (Pub date, Sept. 1)
Ishmael Reed and Carla Blank will present Bigotry on Broadway and discuss it with contributors.

Wed. Oct. 6, 7 pm: Montreal and the Bomb by Gilles Sabourin, translated by Katherine Hastings. This is the amazing but little-known story of secret nuclear research during World War II that was conducted in parallel (and in competition) with the Manhattan Project. The original French book just won the 2021 Hubert Reeves Award for Science Communicators. The book is the result of 15 yeas of research by a nuclear engineer. It reads like a novel. (Pub date, Oct. 1)
Gilles Sabourin will discuss the inside story of nuclear research in Montreal during World War II. A Q&A will follow.
Date TBA: Mussolini Also Did A Lot of Good, The Spread of Historical Amnesia by Francesco Filippi (translated from the Italian by John Irving). This 2019 Italian bestseller was La Reppublica’s “Book of the Month,” described as “an antidote to all the nonsense still circulating about fascism … Filippi is almost surgical in the way he reestablishes the context.” (Pub date, Oct. 1)
Format and participants to be announced.