Here’s Mick talking about The Raids.
“All good stories have some element of conflict to create drama and this town [Sudbury] was absolutely convulsed with conflict at this time. The story opens with our protagonist Jake McCool, who is nineteen going underground for his shift at the Garson Mine. He comes from an old Mine Mill family and he becomes embroiled in the raids between Steelworkers and the Mine Mill Union almost against his own will but it happens (…) and he has a girlfriend named Jo Ann; there’s a romance, a love story as well a split, against the backdrop of the struggle between the Steelworkers and the Mine Mill which is really just the localized version of a global struggle in the cold war between communist ideology and imperialist. … I see it as story that really has never been told.”
“It’s been a taboo since I came here to Sudbury… The wounds were still bare, because it split families down the middle: father from son, brother from brother. Just like a civil war. So I saw it as a natural backdrop for historical fiction.”
Mick Lowe will launch The Raids on Sunday, May 25 at 2 p.m. at the Steelworkers Hall in Sudbury. He will be available for book signings at the official launch. USWA 6500, 66 Brady Street, Sudbury.
Buy The Raids now. 20% early order discount until May 1.