Pierre-Claver Ndacyayisenga travelled to Washington, DC at the invitation of the Voice of America to talk about his book, Dying To Live, A Rwandan Family’s Five-Year Flight Across the Congo. The interview will soon be broadcast on TV, Radio and the Web in English, French and Kinyarwanda. As soon as the interviews are available on line, Baraka Books will post them.
In the VOA news room. Left to right: Eugénie Mukankusi, author Pierre-Claver Ndacyayisenga, and reporter Mariama Diallo.
Dying To Live is the heart-rending true story of one family among three hundred thousand Rwandan refugees who fled through the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the from 1994 until 2000. During the five-year journey they were pursued, raped, attacked and bombed by shadowy Rwandan-backed soldiers with sophisticated weapons and aerial surveillance informaton. As Publishers Weekly wrote: Ndacyayisenga’s memoir “offers an important look at a piece of African history that most of the world was unaware of, or chose to ignore, while it was happening.”
Both the Dying to Live and the original French book Voyage à travers la mort published by VLB Éditeur were showcased in the interview. Reporters were so moved by Pierre-Claver’s story that some even had tears in their eyes.
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